Here at SPHERE Education we are more than Life Coaches we provide Brain Coaching for Parents. You knew it was going to happen, you had this sweet child, you are in charge of loving, nurturing and teaching. The goal being to raise a fabulous adult. Then reality sets in one minute they are moody and surly, the next they are having a screaming temper tantrum, then snuggling with you on the couch. Being a parent is hard work, sometimes you wonder if everyone is going to make it out alive.
SPHERE Education works to help parents understand the joys, the challenges, and gain perspective of the labor of love called parenting. Brain coaching for parents provides insight to how you were parented and the unconscious blueprint you’ve developed and how that translates to your parenting. Looking at ourselves is sometimes a total mess and we will want to throw in the towel, but learning to own our brains, equips us with the tools to raise our kids in the way we want.
Join us on your journey to #beabrainowner! Sign up today for Brain Ownership for PARENTS