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SPHERE for Adults

Having a brain coach can be an invaluable tool in helping you navigate life. 

Brain coaching is learning about how your brain works. Why you do the things you do. Learning why you get in your own way. Additionally as a brain owner its about taking ownership of your emotions and trajectory. Having a Brain coach is also about having a trusted person to talk to about all the stuff that goes on in life, someone who listens without judgment, helps you work through questions, understand the root causes, identify small habit changes, develop plans, and figures out who you are and who you want to be. Coach Jenn says it like this “I am a cross between, a big sister, a cool aunt, a therapist, and a teacher.” A Brain Coach helps you take ownership of your Brain. To Learn more more about how your brain impacts your whole life check out our education program tailored specifically to you.  Brain Ownership 

Whatever you want to talk about! Coaching sessions are about you, who you are, what is going on in your life, and what is important to you. Topics discussed can range from friends, romantic relationships, school, grades, graduation, family, sports, jobs/internships, future, promotions/raises, and anything else that is important to you. You and your coach direct the time you spend together, this is about you and what you want and need. Brain Coaching help identify what gets in the way and talking about how to navigate those topics. If you would rather spend time learning on your own we have unstructured coaching that is tailored to address the challenges you face and can be customized to fit your needs. For a more structured program check out Brain Ownership.

We have coaches for every other part of our life. If you have a brain don’t you want to use it to it’s fullest? Anyone can benefit from a brain coach, there doesn’t have to be something wrong. Studies show that people who have a non-family member mentor to talk to, are happier, make well reasoned decisions, and adjust better to the adult world. In our adolescence it is imperative we find an adult we can ask questions of, help us work out the big decisions, and get sound advice from someone who has been there and can offer perspective. But any age benefits from having help identifying the patterns in our lives that keep us from reaching our full potential. Often the first step is knowledge check out Brain Ownership. Learn more about how your brain impacts your life and every response you have.

The frequency and length of coaching depends on you. You might have one thing you want to work on with a coach. Spend time focused on that one thing then come back and work on something else. Coaching is not a one size fits all. Every Coach and session is designed around your needs and wants. Usually you will work with your coach for 13 weeks designed around the basic education to understand how your brain works. During that you and your coach can develop a plan that meets your needs to sustain that . The length of the coaching differs by person, some clients meet with a coach for years, others a few months or a year or two. Unstructured coaching is tailored to address the challenges you face customized to fit your needs. For a more structured program check out Brain Ownership.


We spend our childhood rushing to become adults, we play house, we long to be on our own, we wish for the freedom of being an adult! OMG, why didn’t someone tell us it was going to be this hard? Seriously being an adult, whether you are 25, 40, or 65 plus…no one sits you down to explain all the complex stuff that is involved.

Our brain runs our whole lives, our bodies, our thoughts, our emotions. and our actions. We don’t usually stop to think about the why, when, and how, we just are who we are and do what we do. What if you knew how your brain worked? The basic biology, psychology, and neurology of emotions, thoughts and actions. What if you were actively and consciously choosing your thoughts, emotions, and actions?

The human brain processes about 11 million bits of information every second (yes you read that right) but we are only conscious of 50 bits per second. This means that most of our lives are unconscious, the way we think, the emotions we feel, and the actions we take are not focused conscious decisions, but seem to be random occurrences. We are at the mercy of our unconscious brain, do you know how it works?

SPHERE for Adults offers coaching and workshops for the different stages in life.

Join us on your journey to #beabrainowner!

For Young Adults

Adulting? What the hell? Ok now that you not a teenager anymore aren’t you supposed to have life figured out now? When we are teens we can’t wait to be adults, even in college, we can’t wait to get out. Now we are in our twenties, we have jobs, bills, responsibilities…crap! Long gone are summer vacations, now it is work, hanging with friends from college (if they haven’t moved away), and adulting.

For Adults Over 30

30 is the new 20, 40 is the new 30…yada yada yada. Whatever?!? Each stage of life brings with it a whole new set of complex issues. In our 30’s and 40’s we might have kids, maybe looking at a second career, we might be divorced, we might se starting over. We have been adulting now for years, but sometimes it is overwhelming and we all can use a little help during times of transition.

For Adults Over 50

Can you teach an old dog new tricks? Absolutely! Our brain is designed to continue to learn and change throughout our lifetime. As we age our mental energy increases and our physical energy decreases. It is critical to keep our brain engaged because it is a highly dynamic and constantly reorganizing machine. It has the capacity to be shaped and reshaped our entire life.

  • It’s What You Don’t Say: Non-Verbal Communication for Teens
  • Boys Are Stupid: The Male Brain / Girls Are Crazy: The Female Brain
    • (These two are taught in conjunction) 
  • Confessions of the Teenage Brain: How Does My Brain Work
  • Let’s Chat: Interpersonal Communication for Teens
  • Show Me The Money: Basic Finances for Teens
  • How To Get Ahead When You Are Already Behind: Using Your Brain Effectively
  • Brain Ownership: Understanding Your Unconscious and Conscious Mind
  • Your Brain’s Google Search Engine: Using Embedded Presupposition To Change The Way You Think, To Get What You Want
  • Harnessing Happiness, Your Superpower: Simple Ways to Build Positive Neural Pathways 
  • Get In The Zone: Understanding How To Get Outside Your Comfort Zone
  • Strength Conditioning For Your Brain: Using Your Character Strengths To Unlock Your Potential
  • You By Design: A Self-Esteem Workshop – 8 part
  • Just Breathe: A Meditation, Mindfulness and Energy Workshop
  • Movies In Your Mind: How Imagination, Motivation, Vision and Goals Work
  • Terms and Conditions May Apply: What You Need to Know About Checking That Box
  • Happiness, Sadness, Whatever…Oh My: Emotional Ownership – 6 part
  • Emotional Awareness parts 1 & 2
    • Emotional Accountability
  • Emotional Concept parts 4 & 5
    • Emotional Actualization
  • Fear, Intuition and Safety: Understanding the Creepy Feeling and Reading People
  • Relational Aggression: Understanding Bullying
  • Divorce and Teens: 
  • What to Expect When You Are Expecting A Teenager
  • I have a Teenager Now What?
  • Interpersonal Communication: Learning to Communicate with Your Teen
  • Gender Communication: Lessons on Miscommunication
  • The Dark Side: The Bad the Ugly and the Terrifying Truth about Social Media
  • Generational Communication
  • Happiness Set Point and Happiness Threshold
  • College in the New Millennium: A Guide for Parents
  • Dating 2.0: The New Dating Rules
  • Gender and Sexuality
  • Temptation: The New World of Drugs, Sex, Risk, and Teens
  • Growing Healthy Teens: How to Encourage, Empower, and Excel Your Teen
  • College 101
  • Truth about Adulting: The Shit No One Tells You
  • I’ll Be There for You: Building and Maintaining Long-term Friendships
  • College 101: What No One Tells You About College
  • You Are What You Do: Conscience Behavior Change for Teens
  • The Real World: Life Skills for Amazing Teens and Young Adults
  • College Resume: Keys to a Successful College Application
  • Creating and Maintaining meaningful friendships.
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